Unity Cloud Status Check

Continuous Integration for Unity projects using the Unity Cloud Build feature

Generate your configuration file

Configuration file generator

Use this form to generate your configuration file.

Read the docs for more info.



Your organization ID, you can find it in the URL of Unity’s developer dashboard: https://dashboard.unity3d.com/organizations/ORG-ID/projects/.


Your project ID, you can find it as Project ID in the Overview tab of your project in the developers dashboard.


The platform to evaluate, the options are ios, android, webplayer, webgl, standaloneosxintel, standaloneosxintel64, standaloneosxuniversal, standalonewindows, standalonewindows64, standalonelinux, standalonelinux64, standalonelinuxuniversal.

If you don’t fill this field, it will default to standalonewindows64.


latest or a unity dot version with underscores (ex. 4_6_5).

Default: null.


If it should autodetect the unity version. If false it will use the version set in unityVersion.

Default: true


If auto detect is on, and the current version is not available yet, use the closest version possible. (Ex.: If 2019.2.11f is not available, use 2019.2.10f)

Default: true


If the build should run the tests. Defaults to false.


Fail the build if one of the tests fails. Defaults to false.

preExportMethod, postExportMethod, preBuildScript & postBuildScript

Scripts executed before or after the build starts. It’s an optional parameter.


Scripting Define Symbols that should be configured for the build.


If every build should be a clean one. Defaults to false.

Note: the first build for every PR is always a clean build. If set to false, a second build will be a dirty one.


How many seconds the build should delay before starting. Defaults to 0.